

Patriotism is defined by the Webster dictionary as “love for or devotion to one’s country”. But to me it means so much more. To me, patriotism means honoring the fundamental principles our country was built on by voting. It means holding your hand over your heart during the national anthem and truly valuing the nation. Patriotism means loving your country by expressing good citizenship. This integrity pushes citizens to work for their country selflessly and make it better. To me, patriotism means coming together as loyal citizens of America and making the country a better place to live in. It means having qualities of devotion to your country, loyalty, honor, and bravery. Patriotism means constantly supporting our country, rain or shine. It means not being a “sunshine patriot” or a “summer soldier” who stays when the country is doing well and betrays the country when it isn’t. As Mark Twain said, “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it.” Patriotism is also to be proud of where you’re from, and to love everyone around you, whether they are natives of our country or not. Patriotism is not to have hate for anyone that’s foreign or to think our country is better than others for no reason. Patriotism is to acknowledge the various injustices and cruelties in the nation’s history, along with the glorious accomplishments. It is to dream for the United States as a country of freedom, justice, fairness, and equality to all of its people, and to admit that this dream is not yet reality and that work is still required. As Barack Obama said, “In the face of impossible odds, people who love this country can change it.”

Patriotism is a promise all those who call themselves citizens of the United States to live life loving, sharing, and respecting all those around us. Americanism is religious freedom, no bias of race or color.

We have many freedoms that many other countries are not as fortunate to have. As the “melting pot” of many races and religions, our patriotism should be toward all nations of the world. We, as citizens of the United States, are responsible for keeping the opportunities open that were promised by our founding fathers: “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Our backgrounds may all differ in origin, but in our nationality, we are all patriotic Americans.